Since the very dawn of cognitive evolution, Humans have been using their brains with more profundity and creativity. The change was not a one-day’s giving where a finger was snapped and humans had started to fly planes and doing spacewalks, rather, it was a process that included evolution and adaptation for millions of years. First occurred the thought about some need, then thoughts about its solution, and a solution would be manifested. This is not some rocket science but is very fundamental to us beings. Were computers invented for the sake of invention or was there a need to do so? It was not some one-night’s work and the foundations were laid back many decades ago when Charles Babbage had proposed a concept of an Analytical Machinery, since then it has evolved from a 50-foot long 30-ton machinery to a mere gram of chip in our hand. Was the invention of the computer a destiny that had to occur based on the fundamentals of the human brain? Could there have been a possibility that the best minds of the world had not thought of some machinery that could do calculations, the best technologies that could transfer our voice through miles and miles in the air, or if had it been about best link building services Australia would have not thought of the same?
The Science of the Science:
Is there an area, a blob of some neurons, which we could scan in a piece of machinery and say that it is science? If we go by the etymology of the word ‘Science’, its origin falls back to around the 12th century from Sciens (genitive Scientis) “intelligent or skilled,” a present participle of Scire, which is related to Scindere (to cut or divide). Where does it point to? The idea had been about knowledge and then cutting it; but through what? Our senses gain the knowledge from the surroundings, stores them as memory, and then intelligence (this sharp thing that cleaves and weaves the known and unknown) work upon it to create something meaningful. Other animals do not do science, for their brains are not as complex as ours. That which once was put under one roof long back then, now has been divided into different fields. But science, now this giant field, was once ordained to be forbidden.
The tale of the internet and SEO:
ARPANET – those brains who study computers and the internet might have heard of this word many times. It was the first prototype of the internet that was launched for the US army to help them work better, but now it is used widely. The idea was to link computers over the telephone line, so as to share information between them at a much faster pace. We are social animals and our languages hold the complexities that make communication even more complex. Linguists, sociologists, psychologists, psycholinguists, and other faculties work days and nights to fathom it. Internet is one such facet of our ways of communication. It has websites identified with a concept, and it wants to communicate that idea with others around the world. It is a teacher of its sort, a missionary of its sort, a marketer, a serviceman, a seller, a consumer, and whatnot. Back in the days when industries wanted to sell their product or their services, they used to throw flyers, send salesmen, spread words about the company, dial numbers and spam the ears of many, and much beyond. Although the medium of marketing has changed, the fundamentals have not, because they are innate to our brains. SEO works on those very fundamentals and keeps on improving by studying various aspects of being human. Yet do we send flyers (though digital); yet do we hire a salesman (through SEM); yet do we share the words about our company (though through high-quality link building Australia). And the competition has only increased due to the fall of national boundaries. Now a company might not only have to compete with the one standing beside locally. If in the USA rise those best link building services, Australia competes to surpass that one, and the USA the one in Australia. SEO has brought pace and clarity in the transfer of information.
How does link-building work?
Link-building was much-lauded back when the search engine mechanisms were new and people used to trick it down for their vicious visions. Wonder if you have recited a beautifully versed poetry, which is so dear to your heart, and then you expect lauds and commendations for that, but then suddenly you start hearing some eerie phrases from the public as: “Beautiful. please visit our factory to see the wonderful jeans we make;” “Wonderful words. You might want to try our new soft drink;” “Have you heard of Sharpnif? We make some fine quality knives to help you cut anything (except bad relationships.” – How would you feel? Or what if you visit the market to buy some music CDs, but suddenly a man you ask the address of the shop from pushes you into a store he owns? Would not this be ugly? These practices are the black-hat forms of link building. People want to share the words about their presence, and for this, they need to interact with others present around them. Link-building works on this same concept – Either you try to create a network on your own (which comes to be very hard considering you are not aware of the rules of the internet world,) or you hire an SEO agency for some high-quality link-building. When you go for some best link-building services (Australia or another country), they try to send the words of your presence by creating some trusted links with others already known in the field. Now SEO does not trust reciprocal linking due to its feeble nature – anybody could tell their friend to speak good about them in exchange for the same favor. Google weighs links from highly trusted websites over thousands from spam-seeming websites. Link-building agencies use different tools and techniques to help you achieve the same while making sure they keep complying with the rules of the internet world. With the rise of A.I., this is going to get more complex for the purpose of quality. Perfect Link Building tries to help its users thrive in the internet. It uses its 13 years of expertise in the field of SEO to help websites grow by nurturing them with care and precision while taking care of various trust ratings (DR, DA, PA, etc.)
The algorithms of search engines do not lie independently of how a human brain works, how it has evolved, and where it might go to; rather, they are a blend of art and science that try to turn technology to be more human-like. With Google being spending near to $27 billion a year on R&D, we might expect the arrival of some great changes soon.