There are fears that NSW’s outbreak has spread to new areas after a number of positive wastewater detections despite no known cases.
There are fears coronavirus may have spread wider across NSW after a number of positive coronavirus wastewater detections.
NSW Health’s Jeremy McAnulty said fragments of coronavirus had been found in sewage across different parts of NSW despite there being no known cases in those particular areas.
“So we have seen fragments of the virus that cause Covid in several communities where we don’t have known cases, so we are really stressing that it is so important for people living in those communities to come forward for testing with even the mildest of symptoms,” he said.
The areas with positive sewage results are Tamworth and Glen Innes in the New England region of NSW, Port Stephens in the Hunter, Cooma in southern NSW and Kempsey on the mid-north coast.
The majority of positive coronavirus cases continue to be in southwest and western Sydney, Health Minister Brad Hazzard said.
Of the four new deaths he announced on Saturday, none were vaccinated.
The deaths included a man in his 60s from western Sydney who died at his home, a woman in her 80s from southwest Sydney who died at Fairfield Hospital, a man in his 50s from western Sydney who died at Westmead Hospital, and a man in his 70s from southwest Sydney who died at Liverpool Hospital.
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